WordPress Family Award: I’m a part of it


The love of family and the admiration of friends is much more important than wealth and privilege. ~Charles Kuralt

So, by the above image, I would tell that I have been nominated for the WordPress Family Award. This tribute has been given to me by ShethP  . You should visit Sheth’s Perspective” . Thank You Sheth for considering me to be a part of your WordPress Family. ShethP‘s blog covers a lot of categories and has a wide range of awesome posts and I like almost all of her posts. My favorite ones’ are:

So, I hope you will visit her blog and enjoy the posts…

Simple Rules of the WordPress Family Award:

  • Display the award image on your blog.
  • Link back and thank the blogger who nominated you.
  • Nominate 10 other bloggers.
  • Notify each of your nominees of their nomination.
  • Share the inspiration and keep on blogging!

I have to nominate 10 people for this award. So, the awesome people are:

1. http://margo187.wordpress.com

2. http://mindofmonique.wordpress.com

3. http://letsreachsuccess.com

4. http://manasvialexander.wordpress.com

5. http://projectlighttolife.wordpress.com/

6. http://newbloggycat.com/

7. http://dishibora.wordpress.com/

8. http://joypassiondesire.wordpress.com

9. http://inspirationenergy.wordpress.com

10. http://cannesubhadra.wordpress.com

Thank you everyone for being a part of my WordPress Family and for posting constantly and amazing others…